When booking your photographer it is important that you bond and get along as they will be with you all day, although you might not actually see them for most of the day (Hopefully).
I’m probably not your usual wedding photographer as I have spent many years in the Army learning as I went along but in War Zones and Operations. I joined the Army at 16 and went all the way through the ranks, then commissioned to Captain and finished in the Army as a Major which is not bad for a young kid who left school and 15 days later was in the Army.
I first discovered a more creative side of photography in Iraq and Afghanistan, I even won a few competitions and had a picture on the front page of the New York Times. In 2004 a friend asked me to be their photographer for their wedding, we knew I didn’t know much about wedding photography but as I had a reasonably expensive camera I must be good surely!!! Well, how wrong we both were and I look back on that wedding as a definite starting point (But not a very good one!!!) But they liked the photos and so did I as I didn’t know any difference.
As a Wiltshire Wedding Photographer, it's a good job that i genuinely love weddings!!! I like the fact that every wedding is different and it's the people that make each day so diverse. It doesn't matter where your wedding is held, it's all about the celebration, you, your family and friends.
It's my job to get to know you and find out what makes you tick, what makes your special day unique and perfect so i can then tell the story of your day through pictures.
As a photographer i've developed my own style but what really makes me happy is when couples bring their own great ideas to the table and together we turn it all into photographs that everybody loves!
When not shooting weddings i like to get out and be creative with flash photography, I then use these creative sessions in my wedding photography...I always try to push myself to give you the best experience possible.
A bit about me? I live in the lovely village of Shrewton just 2 miles away from Stonehenge, married to my super wife Emma and have 3 children but are getting a lot older so don't need me that much apart from Dad taxi and cash point assistance!!!
I have dabbled in photography most of my life and shot my first wedding in 2004, since then i have told the story of many weddings and very happy couples.
I like to be creative and appreciate art, although i won't pretend to know lots about art, i just like it!!! And if it provokes thought and interest then it's even better....
My stuff: Unless you like photography kit then skip this bit!!!
I used to work with 2 Nikon Big DSLRs but in 2019 i have started to work with the Fuji mirrorless system. So i now shoot with only prime lenses on two XT3 cameras and the X Pro 2. These smaller cameras are great for getting in close and blending in a bit more, they also weigh a lot less so kinder to my body on a full 12 hour day.
For my dramatic lighting i now use a range of different light sources and elect the best one for the job in hand. This flash kit makes the difference of an ok image to an OMG that is amazing image!!!
OK boring bit finished for non geeky camera people!!!