Wellington Barn Wedding photography with Ben and Justin
To see lots more of Ben and Justin's amazing wedding photos just pop along to here
Where on earth do you start with an Amazing wedding like Ben and Justin's at Wellington Barn??
Ben and Justin found me via Google whilst searching for wedding photographers in Wiltshire while they were living in Australia and we hit it off straight away. A Skype chat confirmed we were all on the same wave length and at the time (well over a year ago) this was my first booking for Wellington Barn, but so far this year i have shot 4 weddings there and i absolutely love this wedding venue!!!!
The staff are just brilliant and can't do enough on a wedding day. The behind the scenes work that goes into a wedding is such hard work and something that people don't realise and for Ben and Justin they did an amazing job! In fact, everyone that was involved in the set up and delivery really pulled it out the bag.
The flowers and floral decorations by Claire Blyth from Blyth Flowers were just beautiful and so different, all created with a real personal touch. Claire is a perfectionist and her gorgeous flowers definitely made a real difference to the day, i think Justin had large part to play in the final vision too!!!
I did a pre shoot with Ben and Justin and i can honestly say it was just the best pre shoot ever!!! We didn't stop still for more than 30 seconds and was just so much fun! while editing the images i was actually laughing out very loudly, so i knew the wedding was going to be an absolute blast...
Preparations in the morning went well as i got to see everyone getting ready and they all got used to me hanging around. The flower head piece was a real success with everyone wanting to try it on!!!
A quick zoom from Devizes to Wellington Barn didn't take long and i was greeted with those amazing views of Wiltshire's countryside and that superb picturesque backdrop. Claire was applying the finishing touches to the table decorations and main piece (with antlers!!!!) and the rest of the staff were doing the final bits ready for the day. Justin was doing his final check up to make sure everything was just right (Which it was, thankfully!!!)...
The ceremony was just gorgeous!!! Tears of emotion from so many and such well thought out words to each other.
The sun popped out for a while so everyone was outside for nibbles and fizz and that's when we did some formal group shots (Always important to capture the groups) and then some fun shots with the creative gang from French Woods!!!!! OMG!!! amazing!!! and such fun.
The delicious food was provided by Vaughan's kitchen (excellent as always), Peter and his team always provide the best food ever!!!! And then some speeches followed, i don't think there was dry eye in the room. Everyone who spoke said their words with such feeling and from the heart, there was of course some funny bits too!!! Ben had a surprise for Justin with lots of friends and family from Australia making a video of congratulations (More tears from lots!!!) But it was a magnificent end to the speeches (The girls with the hats and glasses were just so much fun!!!)...
The evening finished off with some outstanding dancing and lots more fun...Even managed a conga but the best had to be the Time Warp!!!! I dread to think what they got up to after i left, but i expect it was fun!!!
Ben, Justin, your wonderful friends and family, i would just like to say it was an absolute pleasure being your photographer and an honour to be chosen to record your very special day...Thank you so much for making my job so easy and obviously so much fun!!!
To see lots more of Ben and Justin's amazing wedding photos just pop along to here
Amazing wedding people:
Wellington Barn http://www.wellingtonbarn.co.uk
Blythe Flowers http://www.blythflowers.co.uk/index.html
Vaughan's Kitchen http://www.vaughanskitchen.co.uk
Salisbury weddings