Weddings at The Hampshire Barn at Norton Park Hotel

Lorraine and Keith - Wedding photography at the Hampshire Barn - Norton Park Hotel


What an absolutely fab day!! Great couple, super friends and family and a gorgeous location!! The sun even came out for a lot of the day (Although as a wedding photographer, harsh bright sun is not my friend!!) So we go off and find somewhere out of the direct sun light...

My fave bits from the day...Always a difficult choice, but i just love the first look!! The emotional speeches (Well done to Lorraine's son!!) the lovely atmosphere and the 5 second challenge selection which showed a lot more flesh than normal!! (Some intentionally and some not so intentionally) And of course the first dance, which was very special for Lorraine and Keith....

This wedding was a double referral, as Lorraine had seen me at Sam and Dave's wedding a few years ago and then more recently with Emma and Joe in December 2015, so they had seen me do what i do best and knew they had to book me :)

I couldn't have asked anything more from this lovely couple and i was certainly well looked after with a great meal (Protein and Carbs) and lots of people offering to buy me a drink which is always a very nice gesture. 

Please enjoy looking through this super wedding and add any comments to the bottom....

Salisbury weddings
David Scammell

Salisbury and Wiltshire Creative and documentary Wedding photographer, David Scammell tells the story of your wedding day in pictures.



Stonehenge Winter Solstice 2015