Emma and David - Wagons and Fire Wedding Photography
Outdoor Wiltshire Countryside wedding at Wagons and Fire in Pewsey Vale.
Hidden away in the beautiful Pewsey Vale is the absolutely stunning location of Wagons and Fire, which makes the perfect backdrop for an outdoor wedding. Big open fields, a small clearing near the river for the ceremony, just everything about this stunning location is a photographers (And of course, the couples dream).
I will just add a few of my favourite moments and please do have a look through the little collection from Emma and David’s uniquely beautiful day.
The ceremony…Jut lovely - This ceremony meant something to both of them and it really showed.
Location - I think i might have already mentioned, Wagons and Fire is just gorgeous. My only comment would be no shade for groups, but i have a good flash system so who needs shade!!!
Confetti - Lavender seeds get everywhere!!!!
The table competition!!!- Absolutely brilliant and so much thought went into each group and the ideas were just great.. A couple of my faves were:
Romeo and Juliet - Top table - Excellent acting and good family fighting
An Ice Hockey game - The girl against the imaginary glass was pure genius!!
Only fools and Horses - From the iconic episode of the auction (Just a shame no one else had seen that episode of had even seen it) But it made for a lot of laughs.
The story of David’s diving was well executed with the brothers giving a good demonstration.
The Bridesmaids….Just such good fun!! And all of them looked amazing and all up for giggles with the groups.
The final group shots were also lots of fun and very enjoyable for everyone!!!
Emma and David - Thank you so much for inviting me to record your incredible day, I think your day portrayed who you both are…. An Adventurous couple who enjoy the outdoors….
Please enjoy looking through you collection with so many more to come.

Salisbury weddings