Wellington Barn Weddings with Anna and Dan

Back to Wellington Barn for another fabulous Wiltshire countryside wedding at Wellington Barn near Devizes on a very bright and warm Summers day.
The sun has always been a bit problematic for photographers, especially very bright sun as it causes such harsh shadows and panda eyes, thats why wedding photographers are always looking for shaded areas for the groups or using big flash to overpower the sun or at least compensate a little.
But now that i’m using the Fuji Mirrorless system for weddings I am embracing the evil sun a lot more as I can what its doing and where to be to get the better angles. But no one likes to be squinting so I always try and wait for the golden hour when the sun is at it’s kindest and not so harsh.
But anyway!!! Back to this gorgeous wedding with Anna and Dan at one of my fave wedding locations of Wellington Barn. I think this another story that doesn’t need words, but let the narrative play out in the photos throughout the day. Lots of emotions with tears of laughter and joy, It’s always good to see a Groom have a little tear because they can get away with it a bit more and a full sobbing bride is not the best look (Anna was very strong) and did very well. Anna and Dan’s family and friends were all so nice and made feel like one of the guests and not just the photo bloke. I even had the privilege of sitting at one of the tables with some great conversations.
So please sit back and enjoy this chapter titled Anna and Dan. This is just a small selection from the final collection which will be delivered in a few weeks time.

Salisbury and Wiltshire Creative and documentary Wedding photographer, David Scammell tells the story of your wedding day in pictures.